GameHITMAN World of Assassination Deluxe Pack
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Release date27 January, 2022
PublisherIO Interactive A/S
GenresAction & adventure
File size10MB
Upgrade HITMAN World of Assassination today with the Deluxe Pack. Includes the following premium content: HITMAN 2 Premium Content - 2x Locations (New York & Haven Island) - 2 x Sniper Assassin maps (Hantu Port & Siberia) - Winter Sports Pack - Smart Casual Pack - Executive Pack - Collector’s Pack - Special Assignments Pack 1 + 2 HITMAN 3 Premium Content - 6x Deluxe Escalation Contracts - Deluxe Suits and Items - Digital Soundtracks - Digital “World of HITMAN” Book - Director Commentary (Mission Introduction) Seven Deadly Sins Collection - Act 1: Greed - Act 2: Pride - Act 3: Sloth - Act 4: Lust - Act 5: Gluttony - Act 6: Envy - Act 7: Wrath