Metamoprhosis + What the Duck Bundle cover image

Metamoprhosis + What the Duck Bundle

Nintendo iconNintendo Store
Full Size Image
icon calendar
Release date04 October, 2024
icon publisher
PublisherUntold Tales
icon data
File size8.6GB
esrb T

In Metamorphosis, you are Gregor, a man who wakes up and finds he has mysteriously been transformed into a bug. Navigate a world that has become hauntingly stretched and unfamiliar. Uncover the mystery of your transformation, and find out why your friend Joseph has been arrested. Use your new body to traverse this dark and twisted world and head towards The Tower, where you may find the answers you seek.

Ever wonder what your spirit animal would be? In What The Duck, you and everyone else has one. Yours just happens to be a duck. Take your tiny companion into battle in this action-adventure RPG with a rhythm-based crafting system and make a name for yourself and your new buddy. The quacking is the least of your worries.