
STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™ Deluxe Upgrade

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STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™ Deluxe Upgrade
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Release date28 April, 2023
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PublisherElectronic Arts
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GenresAction & adventure
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STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™ Deluxe Upgrade* contains exclusive cosmetic items inspired by some of the galaxy’s greatest heroes. • The “Galactic Hero” Cosmetic Pack ‎ - The “Scoundrel” Cosmetic - Get decked out in this cosmetic inspired by the most recognized rogue in the galaxy, Han Solo™. ‎ - The “Rugged” BD-1 Cosmetic - Gear up BD-1 in this tough and sturdy rig that will ready him for any adventure. ‎ - The “DL-44” Blaster Set - Arm yourself with one of the most iconic blasters in Star Wars history. • The “New Hero” Cosmetic Pack ‎ - The “Rebel Hero” Cosmetic - Evoke the heroism of Luke Skywalker™ with this outfit modeled after his iconic yellow jacket worn in STAR WARS: A New Hope ‎ - The “BD-Astro” BD-1 Cosmetic - Outfit BD-1 in this ensemble inspired by the most famous astromech in the galaxy, R2-D2™. ‎ - The “Rebel Hero” Lightsaber Set - Equip a lightsaber modeled with elements from all of the lightsabers wielded by Luke Skywalker throughout the original trilogy. *Requires Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (sold separately) and all game updates. Lucasfilm, the Lucasfilm logo, STAR WARS and related properties are trademarks and/or copyrights, in the United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. © & TM 2023 Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.